Wren’s Nest Updates
SCRIBES Summer Camp is Back
Middle schoolers embark on a literary adventure, developing the craft of writing and sharpening storytelling skills through workshops!
Phoenix Flies…into the Nest!
The Wren’s Nest is partnering with Trees Atlanta for an exciting tour this March!
New Year = New Board Members!
At a small nonprofit like the Nest, our Board of Directors is an integral part of the organization.
A Writing Workshop for Teachers Who Write
Join fellow educators who are also writers for a special workshop at the Wren’s Nest.
Fall Walking Tour Combines West End & the Nest
This fall, join us for a walking tour of our historic neighborhood! We're partnering with Insight Cultural Tourism to offer guided tours of the West End. Admission includes entry to the Nest.
Lillian E. Smith: an In-Depth Review
Join us for an in person discussion about social justice author Lillian E. Smith.
Exhibit: Author Lillian Smith
Exhibit on acclaimed social justice author Lillian Smith opens at The Wren’s Nest from September 7 to October 26. Presented in partnership with: Southern Literary Trail, Mississippi State University Libraries, and the Lillian E. Smith Center at Piedmont University.
New (Old) Atlanta Streets Alive route includes the Nest!
We’re thrilled to announce the Wren’s Nest is on the new route for Atlanta Streets Alive on the southside connecting the West End to Grant Park.
The Wren’s Nest Receives Support from Fulton County Arts & Culture
The Wren’s Nest is grateful to receive grant support again from Fulton County Arts & Culture for its 2024 cultural programming.
The Wren’s Nest Awarded Bridge Grant from Georgia Council for the Arts
The Wren’s Nest was awarded Bridge Grant funding from Georgia Council for the Arts.
June 22: West End Tour of Homes & Gardens
Stroll through some of the most beautiful and historic homes in this vibrant and thriving neighborhood, including The Wren’s Nest!
June 28 & July 26: Jazz Matters Concerts
The Wren’s Nest is pleased to welcome Jazz Matters back to our outdoor stage this summer for two Friday night concerts.
June-August: Wren’s Nest Summer Readers Club
A Free Family Friday series featuring storytime, book giveaways, and literacy activities.
Meet the Storyteller: Deborah Strahorn
A spotlight on Wren’s Nest storyteller Deborah Strahorn.
March 17: Tea & Stories - Celebrating Women's History Month
A celebration of Women’s History Month presented by The Wren’s Nest and Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia.
Meet the Storyteller: Gwendolyn J. Napier
A spotlight on Wren’s Nest storyteller Gwendolyn J. Napier.
Meet the Storyteller: Chetter Galloway
A spotlight on Wren’s Nest storyteller Chetter Galloway.
March 23: Scribes Workshop - Make a One-Page Comic!
A creative writing workshop for middle-grade students that will explore the parts of a story, drawing skills, and making comics.