Wren’s Nest Updates
Shark Tales
Happy Shark Week, everyone! This week, the Discovery Channel continues its tradition of airing over 20 hours of shark-related content in what’s come to be known as “Shark Week.”
The Underrated Julia Collier Harris
No one has impressed me more than Joel Chandler Harris’s daughter-in-law, Julia Collier Harris. So, I feel compelled to let everyone know how incredible she was.
John Lewis and the Wren’s Nest
There’s so much history at the Wren’s Nest that it’s easy to forget some of it. Former Executive Director Sue Gilman reminded us late last week, for instance, that the late John Lewis was once a member of our advisory board. Really?
Brer Rabbit Hits the Sauce
It’s high grilling season, and with more of us stuck at home cooking for ourselves and our families, we thought it was a good time to revisit “Brer Rabbit’s Modern Recipes for Modern Living.”
Joel Chandler Harris’s (Printer’s) Devil-ish Origins
Joel Chandler Harris is remembered as a bestselling author in the 19th-century with his popular Uncle Remus books. But Harris’s professional beginnings are much less glamorous and more humble. He got his first job when he was fourteen years old, working for a local Eatonton newspaper called The Countryman as a printer’s devil.
The Other Family at the Wren’s Nest
Today, we wanted to highlight the African-American people who worked at The Wren’s Nest when the Harris family lived here..